Earthquake Weather, the first novel by filmmaker Nick Ebeling, sets a uniquely dark coming-of-age vision against the rapidly changing Los Angeles of 2001. Published by Hat and Beard Press.
About Earthquake Weather;
Haunted by a childhood near-death experience above Sunset Boulevard, McCabe—almost 22, broke, and carrying a massive student loan debt—navigates his final days at a top-rated art school. With a film festival deadline looming and under mounting pressure from the film’s star—a recently sober and notoriously difficult ’70s cult cinema legend—McCabe struggles to edit his film while avoiding his responsibilities and the schemes of his convict father, who (unbeknownst to McCabe) has negotiated a screenwriting deal on his son’s behalf with a former cellmate, a shady (and possibly violent) music producer.
McCabe wanders the record stores, dive bars, parties, and clubs of Silver Lake in search of answers, but his real salvation may lie with the indie rock muse of his dreams.
*accompanying the story are twenty-three 35mm and Medium Format photos by Nick Ebeling